The protest against energy policy is not dying down in the north-east. On Monday, despite the proposals for a “gas price cap”, around 7,000 people came again – further protests by entrepreneurs have been announced.

Schwerin/Neubrandenburg/Wismar (dpa/mv) – In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, several thousand people protested against energy policy in Germany on Monday evening. As police spokesman said, according to previous counts, around 7,000 demonstrators came together in more than 15 cities, slightly fewer than in the previous week. The protests are not quite over yet.

In Schwerin and Neubrandenburg, speakers called for, among other things, an energy policy that people could afford and affordable living costs. Several demonstrations also called for peace negotiations in the Ukraine conflict, a freeze on arms deliveries to Ukraine and a lifting of sanctions against Russia.

As in the previous weeks, most of the participants were counted with almost 2400 women and men in Schwerin. There were also around 1000 people in Wismar and several hundred participants each in Parchim, Güstrow, Neubrandenburg and Waren an der Müritz. Also in Grimmen, Barth and Neustrelitz people demonstrated for affordable energy prices. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is expected in Neustrelitz from Tuesday for three days at a “local time”. The organizers of the Monday protests are also invited to a round of talks on Wednesday.

In Neubrandenburg, speakers also criticized the proposals presented on Monday by a commission to relieve consumers of gas prices. If the price cap does not take effect until March 2023, it would be at the end of the heating period and much too late, they said. For example, tenants in the city on Lake Tollensesee are threatened with a tripling of district heating costs from 2023. Banners read, among other things, “Do you trust this traffic light?”, referring to the Berlin governing coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP.

The Monday protests were once again organized by the “Unternehmeraufstand-mv” initiative, which called for eight motorcades to take place on October 13th. Several hundred vehicles and traffic restrictions are expected between Schwerin, Wismar, Rostock, Güstrow, Stralsund and Neubrandenburg.