The president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, regretted this Thursday that former president Carles Puigdemont has “remote control of the legislature.” The socialist leader has spoken shortly after the agreement for Junts to support the PSOE in the formation of the Congress Table was known.

“The last thing they could be imagining when voting is that this legislature was a legislature with remote control. Well, and the command is so remote that it is outside of Spain. That is really what is controversial, the perverse of the result diabolical that the ballot boxes threw”, he affirmed.

In his opinion, what happened this Thursday is “a process to start negotiations” for the formation of a government. “And that’s what has us all a little on edge, if not very concerned.”

After what happened today, Page has predicted difficulties for the start of the legislature and its eventual development. “Puigdemont, who is the one who has remote control of the legislature and from outside Spain, cannot have the Government of Spain subjected to probation, much less can he propose that he be the one who decides, so that he either gets off the referendum and the ‘Catalan Brexit’ process, or obviously the legislature is going to be complicated, not to say that it is not going to start”.

Regarding the socialist transfers to the nationalists regarding the language, he has affirmed that the languages ​​that are in the Constitution “are the wealth of the country” and that “the only problem is when the language is used as a thrown weapon”.

“But come on, self-determination, say it in Galician, say it in Basque, say it in Catalan, say it in Spanish, there can be no self-determination. Before that there have to be many elections,” he explained.

The Castilian-La Mancha president made these statements at the inauguration of the socialist María Chivite as president of Navarra. Alluding to the question of Bildu’s abstention to form the Navarrese Government, he indicated that “as much as we can hate a political party, if they are legal, if they abstain or not abstain, they benefit one or the other. No let’s fool ourselves. It’s the same thing that happens in Spain. If Bildu does not support the PSOE, he is indirectly supporting Feijóo”.

In addition to praise for Chivite, he has had it for the new president of Congress, María Armengol. “She is a very solid person and in recent years she has made it very clear that she is not in politics at any price or in any way. And I am convinced that these four years will be the same.”