It is a classic of the constitutive sessions: deputies who go out of the usual way to swear or promise compliance with the Magna Carta. The start of the XV Legislature has not been the exception. Several dozen parliamentarians used original and demanding formulas this Thursday to assume their position in the Lower House.

To the classic “yes, I swear”, “yes, I promise” were added on this occasion, and as already happened in 2019, pro-independence slogans, such as those used by the ERC deputies: “By legal imperative, and until the achievement of the catalan republic”. Even more extensive was that of the Junts deputies who, with their affirmative vote, made it easier for the PSOE to take over the presidency of Congress: “With loyalty to the people of Catalonia and its mandate of October 1, and committed to the defense of all those repressed and exiled, by legal imperative, I promise”.

Other deputies complied with the Constitution “for a plurinational and feminist Spain”, as Esther Gil said, or “for a new republican time”, as expressed by Gerardo Pisarello, both members of Sumar at the Table. There was also a common message from the right: all the Vox deputies, led by Santiago Abascal, swore their position “for Spain.”

Txema Guijarro, from Sumar, expanded this slogan: “for the Spains”, he said he promised his position. Marta Lois, spokesperson for this same group, did it “for democracy, for equality and social rights,” and Carlos Martín, “for the rights of workers and workers.”

Nahuel González, a Valencian deputy for Sumar from the IU, quoted the singer-songwriter Ovidi Montllor: “The Valencian people are no longer fed crumbs; we want whole bread.”

The parliamentary groups of PP and Vox have asked the new president of Congress, Francina Armengol, to review and even invalidate the compliance of some deputies, for using various formulas or having been expressed in co-official languages, something that has been denied by the socialist.

After the oaths and promises of the new deputies, the new spokesperson for Vox, Pepa Millán, has asked to speak to warn that the compliances in Catalan, Basque or Galician and that in some cases they used the tag “by legal imperative” or put as target the Basque or Catalan republics are not valid.

“Many deputies do not understand what they are saying” and if they are “attacking” or “observing” the Constitution, he has warned, and has defended that rulings of the Constitutional Court are not being complied with and for this reason said observances should be invalidated.

Next, the PP spokesperson, Cuca Gamarra, has asked to review the compliances, understanding that the flexibility allowed has been exceeded until “they are denatured and emptied of content” and has asked to take into account the Regulations of Congress, electoral law and jurisprudence of the CT.

In addition, it has announced that the PP reserves the possibility of carrying out legal actions if they verify that a violation has occurred.

After claiming that her exclusive competence as president of the Chamber, Armengol has defended that “all the formulas” used are “adjusted to the provisions” in article 4 of the Regulations, in a resolution of the Presidency of the Chamber of 1989 and in the last sentence of the Constitutional Court.

“I understand that all the ladies and gentlemen deputies who have responded to the appeal have acquired the status of deputies,” Armengol stressed, congratulating the parliamentarians. | EFE