The federal government wants to relieve companies and private individuals who are particularly affected by the energy crisis with more lenient handling by the tax offices. Nationwide, the authorities are instructed to grant those affected the deferral of tax payments due after the application has been submitted.

Taxpayers and businesses can apply to their tax authorities for deferral of payment of taxes due and adjustment of prepayments. In a letter, the Federal Ministry of Finance asked the tax offices not to place any strict requirements on such applications by the end of March and to make a decision quickly. This will be particularly relevant for companies, but private individuals can also apply for deferrals.

A retrospective reduction in advance payments for 2022 is also possible, the letter says. In addition, the authorities could waive deferral interest. The prerequisite is that the company or the taxpayer has always paid their taxes on time.

The sharp rise in energy prices is putting many companies under pressure. The federal government does not want to make their situation even more critical by making tax payments due. Similar rules already existed during the Corona crisis. Taxes will not be waived. Only a postponement is planned.