The sparks fly, it’s dusty. Workers dismantle concrete elements of the historic viewing platform on the Königsstuhl, which will soon be completely dismantled. The new floating platform is already here. The 42 meter high mast is coming next week.

Sassnitz (dpa / mv) – The work on the dismantling of the old viewing platform on the chalk cliff Königsstuhl on Rügen is progressing. The wooden planking of the path has already been dismantled, an old concrete foundation was dismantled on Thursday and soon the safety railing will be removed. The work should be completed in October. “Then the Königsstuhl will be free again as a natural area,” said a spokeswoman for the Königsstuhl National Park Center of the German Press Agency.

The new construction – the so-called Königsweg – should then be opened in spring 2023. This is a free-floating, elliptical walk-on platform hanging from a 42-meter-high mast and intended to provide a unique view. The Skywalk will then hover 90 meters above the famous chalk cliffs. The new circular route above the Königsstuhl will be 185 meters long and between two and three and a half meters wide.

In contrast to the old construction, the famous rock is not affected as a subsoil with the new floating circuit. The foundation for the mast has already been laid, the platform is already there and next Tuesday the mast will be delivered, which is then to be erected on Wednesday. According to the spokeswoman, around 300,000 people have visited the Königsstuhl a year so far.