Passau (dpa / lby) – After protests against the approach of the immigration authorities in Passau in the upcoming deportation of an Iranian, the procedure has been suspended. At the request of the Interior Ministry, the man was released from custody, a spokesman said. The refugee council had criticized on Tuesday that the 41-year-old man had been lured into the office with a false promise and had been arrested there by two officials for deportation. The “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported on this on Wednesday.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, the legal decisions in this case must be carefully reviewed again. The immigration authorities had been asked to refrain from deportation for the time being. The district office informed on Wednesday that at the time the invitation was sent to the person concerned, a deportation had not yet been scheduled. “So the clerk did not send the invitation by email with the intention of misrepresenting the facts.”

According to the Refugee Council, the 41-year-old had the prospect of employment in a nursing service and applied to the immigration authorities for a work permit and handed in his passport for examination. Two months later, a clerk summoned him so that the employment could be entered in the toleration document.

“Instead of a work permit and a prospect of residence, two police officers were waiting for him and took him away,” wrote the refugee council, and further: “We consider such behavior by a Bavarian authority to be intolerable.” Bavaria’s SPD General Secretary Arif Taşdelen agreed with the criticism – especially in view of the current political situation in Iran.

The man fled Iran in 2018, according to the refugee council. However, the Federal Office for Migration did not believe that he had left his country for fear of persecution and that he would be at risk if he returned because of his conversion to Christianity.

The Passau district office said on Wednesday: “We are open to re-examination of the case.” The case was handed over to the responsible foreigners authority of the government of Lower Bavaria.