Herbertingen (dpa / lsw) – According to Forst Baden-Württemberg, wood from local forests contributes to climate protection. “A densely wooded state like Baden-Württemberg bears a special responsibility when it comes to its use of wood and climate protection,” said Alfred Rupf, board member of the Baden-Württemberg State Forest Association on Wednesday. “Domestic wood with short transport routes protects the climate.”

Reinhold Pix, spokesman for forests of the Greens in the state parliament, sees room for improvement in the careful use of forestry with the forest floor. This is also about the water retention capacity of the forest ecosystem: “But Baden-Württemberg has already taken the right path here. For example with the soil protection concept for the state forest and soil-conserving timber harvesting measures that avoid extensive traffic in the forest.”

In Herbertingen (Sigmaringen district), Forst BW gave, among other things, an insight into the use of forest machines. The timber harvest begins every year in autumn. The employees of the country’s largest forestry company, Forst BW, are responsible for more than 300,000 hectares of state forest, they cut down trees and prepare them for further processing.