Schwerin (dpa/mv) – With a sector study, the state government wants to identify potential savings in greenhouse gas emissions. “As part of the study, which begins with an inventory, concrete reduction paths for greenhouse gas emissions and climate protection measures are to be developed over the next 10 months and discussed with the affected interest groups and the general public,” said Climate Protection Minister Till Backhaus (SPD) on Wednesday in Schwerin. The study is intended to examine the different sectors, i.e. business, government and private individuals, to determine where emissions can be reduced. The results should then flow into the targets of a climate protection law.

“MV must save a total of 18 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions by 2040 in order to become climate-neutral,” says Backhaus. He particularly pointed out the importance of peatland protection. 1.7 billion tons of CO2 are contained in the approximately 300,000 hectares of moorland in the country.

The study is to be carried out by the Leipzig Institute for Energy GmbH, ifok GmbH from Bensheim and the Institute for Sustainable Environmental Development of Natural Spaces on Earth from Greifswald.