Weimar (dpa/th) – This year’s Weimar Prize went to the literary and social scientist, editor and patron Jan Philipp Reemtsma. The award for the classic city was presented on Monday in the German National Theater, as the city administration announced. In doing so, Weimar acknowledges Reemtsma’s commitment “as a rediscoverer, incessant editor and mediator of Christoph Martin Wieland’s works”.

The city also owes him the restoration of the Wieland estate in Ossmannstedt, which opened in 2005 as the first museum dedicated to Wieland and will present itself in 2022 with a new permanent exhibition curated by Reemtsma. The winner is selected by a jury made up of representatives from the most important Weimar cultural institutions, including the Classic Foundation, the Buchenwald Memorial and the Franz Liszt Academy of Music.

Since 1990, the Weimar Prize has been awarded to individuals who have rendered outstanding services to the intellectual and cultural reputation of the city of classics. According to the city, it is endowed with 5000 euros.