Rostock (dpa/mv) – The initiator of what she claims to be a new long-Covid institute in Rostock, which is unique in Germany, has warned against spreading Corona. The approach of working from home despite a positive test and participating in “five video conferences a day” worries her, said lung specialist Jördis Frommhold of the German Press Agency. “These people have a viral disease that should be cured and not smothered with work.”

On Saturday (12:00 p.m.) there will be a symposium to mark the opening of the institute, including physicians and politicians. According to estimates, 17 million people in Europe and 3 million in Germany are affected by Long Covid – i.e. long-term consequences after infection with the corona virus, said Frommhold. Long Covid can lead to disability if left untreated. “We simply cannot afford that as a society.”

The aim of the private institute is to provide advice and to spread knowledge about the treatment of Long Covid as widely as possible. Frommhold is President of the new Long Covid Medical Association and has treated more than 5,500 Long Covid patients in her capacity as chief physician of a clinic specializing in lung diseases.

As managing director, Frommhold is initially financing the institute from private funds. The state government of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is planning support. But the state parliament still has to decide on this.