Mössingen (dpa / lsw) – After persistent complaints in a Benevit nursing home in Mössingen, the defects have now been eliminated, according to the managing director Kaspar Pfister. Relatives of residents of the Mössinger nursing home Blumenküche had made serious allegations against the operator. Medicines were not administered correctly, and dirty bed linen, defective lights, missing doorbells and worn-out furniture were also complained about. This was initiated by a representative of 26 relatives who did not want to be named.

“The things that were warned have now been eliminated,” said Pfister on Thursday in Mössingen (Tübingen district). After the allegations, two executives were replaced. A total of 56 people in need of care currently live in the home, and according to Pfister there are 52 employees.

After an initial inspection of the nursing home in June, the home supervision of the Tübingen district office listed a concrete plan of measures. At the beginning of August, during the second inspection, not all defects had been eliminated. This emerges from documents available to the dpa. “Everything wasn’t fixed in August. I would have wished for more,” said Pfister. As a consequence, the home supervisor imposed a freeze on admission. An objection had been lodged against this, said Pfister. There had been mistakes, but by far not the kind presented by the relatives. There are isolated cases that one regrets. It’s not due to a lack of staff. “The quotas and the key have been met,” said Pfister. Other media also reported on the case.