Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – After a life-threatening knife attack on a regional train, a man was permanently housed in a psychiatric hospital. The Frankfurt district court assumed attempted murder on Wednesday, but declared the 35-year-old to be innocent because of paranoid schizophrenia.

In October last year, the man suddenly stabbed a 26-year-old passenger in the neck and arm from behind on a regional train towards Heidelberg. It was only because the train was still standing in Frankfurt Central Station that quick help could be organized for the seriously injured man and his life saved.

After appropriate psychiatric expertise, the criminal court assumed that the perpetrator posed a great danger to the general public. It is true that he behaves excellently in the clinic, works with others and takes his medication. In the past, however, it has been shown that this requires a permanent stay in the closed department.

In court, the man admitted the knife attack and apologized to the victim. On the train, he assumed that the passenger was the man who was trying to kill his family and therefore wanted to “switch him off”.

The decision is already final.