She is “stupid” and should “take your finger out of your butt”: Farmer Patrick uses psychological violence against his lady-in-waiting Antonia. All about the sixth episode and a man consumed by ambition who calls his partner a “sissy”.

“He thinks from the wallpaper to the wall,” says Doris about Eric. Basler adds: “He doesn’t change, that’s a notorious liar!” You no longer know which couple in the “summer house of the stars” you should find more unpleasant: Eric and his “Katha” or farmer Patrick and his lady-in-waiting Antonia.

While Sindermann is of the opinion that the analyst he once loved is “ramming a knife in his back”, Sindermann believes that the man with bad taste in fashion has “two faces”. Finally, the two realize that their relationship is over. But the viewer finds the public skirmish of the unequal couple only tiring. Katha is crying again, Eric is packing his bags. They bicker in front of the cameras: The “mentally ill” should kindly “shut up”. And while Katha finds that she has been “made a laughing stock by Germany”, he fears “a blatant damage to her image”.

The sixth episode of “Summer House of the Stars” also has something good: the unequal team first pulls the ripcord and then off. Finally the group can breathe again without anyone escalating emotionally. But the peaceful atmosphere is short-lived. Farmer Patrick reveals despotic traits to his lady-in-waiting. Completely consumed by ambition, he butters Antonia down in one tour.

In the game “Don’t let yourself down” he ignores her panicky fear of heights and constantly reprimands her. When asked to respect her opinion, the emotionally underexposed man whistle that she has “no fighting spirit” and should kindly “go beyond herself”. He ignores her tears, worse still, he even folds them up.

Antonia is “too stupid” to solve “kindergarten tasks”. She has “no bite” and should “please stop crying”. Then the desperate: “You’re perfect and I’m shit! And it’s been like that since we’ve been together.” Scenes like this make, there is no other way to put it, the pulse of the viewer racing. But they are, and that’s the pathetic thing about reality TV, wanted. In any case, none of this has anything to do with passionate confrontation!

Instead, we see a toxic relationship in which he emotionally tears her apart a little more each day. And what does Antonia do instead of dumping the guy? She lies down in bed with him, begs, literally screams for love.

Above all, it’s the constant teasing in her direction, as if the 22-year-old were the worst loser on this planet. Every loving sentence from her, every tender gesture is torpedoed. When asked if Patrick would also like to eat a piece of pizza, he provocatively asks: “Did you even deserve that?”

After Antonia has let her tears run free and finally wants to rejoin the others with the garrling, he picks at her “cried face” and cannot understand that she “does not pick up her ass”. Antonia, described by her partner as a “sissy”, should “take your finger out of your butt”. There is nothing on his part: no comfort, no loving gesture – no respect!

It’s difficult to concentrate on the other flatmates. For example, the fact that the new roommate Marco cooks excellently for the team, that Cosimo and his sweetheart harmonize wonderfully, or that Super Mario considers that his physical exhaustion may be due to the fact that he “smokes less”.

It gets funny with the game “Egg Banging”, in which the men break open a raw egg attached to their head and the women have to answer questions. Yvonne Mölders doesn’t know what a dissertation is, and Patrick is ahead on points. But the mood quickly changes. How the farmer treats his girlfriend shocks the whole group. It doesn’t matter if they win the game. Mario thinks you “don’t go over the corpse of your own wife to save (…)”.

There is little point in taking the man who is so determined to win aside and asking him if he “still has all the cups in the cupboard”. It’s really scary that you actually have to tell him to please give his Antonia a hug. That’s no fun at the summer house!

And then the quartet also gambled away! The Baslers and the Mölders fool around nominating each other. Suddenly, however, farmer Patrick is the one who tips the scales as to who is allowed to stay in the house. His decision: The Mölders have to go. That Yvonne of all people is “such a bad loser” annoys many. At least she has someone in her Sascha to hug her and dry her tears.

(This article was first published on Sunday, September 25, 2022.)