In the Russian city of Izhevsk, an assassin killed more than a dozen people at a school and then allegedly killed himself. Many were also injured. According to the Kremlin, the perpetrator is probably a member of a “neo-fascist organization or group”.

A shootout at a school in Izhevsk, Russia, has killed 15 people. This was announced by the national investigative committee in new information. 11 children were among the dead. The perpetrator also killed himself, according to the authorities. In addition, 24 people were injured, including 22 children. Russian head of state Vladimir Putin condemned the act as an “inhuman terrorist attack”.

“In Udmurtia today there was a tragedy in Izhevsk at school 88,” said Governor Alexander Brechalov shortly after the crime. “There are child casualties and injuries,” he said. In the afternoon, the investigators also named the man’s identity, saying it was a 34-year-old who was once a student there.

Investigations began into the background of the crime in the city around 1200 kilometers east of the Russian capital Moscow. Investigators said the man was wearing a black T-shirt with Nazi symbols and a balaclava. He had no documents with him. His identity is currently being clarified. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he “apparently belonged to a neo-fascist organization or group.”

“President Putin mourns the deaths of adults and children at a school where there was a terrorist attack by a person who appears to belong to a neo-fascist group,” Peskov said in Moscow. “The President wishes a speedy recovery to those injured in this inhumane terrorist attack.”

In Russia, there have already been multiple rampages at educational institutions, resulting in deaths and injuries. This had sparked debates about tightening gun controls. In May last year, a 19-year-old killed nine people in a school in the Russian republic of Tatarstan. Even then, most of the victims in the city of Kazan were children. The man was arrested for murder and is in custody.