According to information from Kyiv, two civilians were killed in a Russian attack with Iranian drones in Odessa on Friday. Now Ukraine is again reporting an attack “by enemy kamikaze drones” in the port city. The government withdraws accreditation from the Iranian ambassador.

According to its own statements, Ukraine has again been attacked with drones manufactured in Iran. “Odessa was again attacked by enemy kamikaze drones,” the Ukrainian army said. An administration building in the center of the southern Ukrainian port city was hit three times. A military spokeswoman said the drones were Iranian. According to the information, there were no dead or injured, a drone was shot down by the Ukrainian air defense.

According to Kiev, two civilians were killed in a Russian attack with Iranian drones on Friday in Odessa. According to the Ukrainian army, four Iranian-made drones were also shot down in the south of the country.

In response, Kyiv announced that it would significantly restrict Iran’s diplomatic representation in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry announced that the accreditation of the Iranian ambassador would be revoked and the number of diplomatic staff at the Iranian embassy in Kyiv would be significantly reduced. Iran’s arms shipments are “a hostile act that is seriously damaging relations between Ukraine and Iran.”

The US government had already reported at the end of August, citing intelligence information, that Russia wanted to buy unmanned drones from Iran for its war in Ukraine. Drones play an important role in the Ukraine war, whether for rocket attacks, dropping small bombs or reconnaissance of the enemy.