Farmer Patrick embarrasses his girlfriend, Eric Sindermann is declared insane and a new couple moves into Germany’s best-known shared flat. It’s a mountain festival in the summer house. And that’s going to be a disaster!

Cosimo recently said that he thinks it’s a shame that this year’s Sommerhaus season focuses far too much on the quarrels between Eric Sindermann and his “Katha”. In the meantime, there’s a mountain festival in the well-known and infamous couple’s flat share, and the king and his analyst, who has since passed away, are still THE topic. If they don’t bicker, Eric would like to please “Katha” right in front of the camera and cannot understand why such an idea is not in her interest, after all, the 27-year-old would have sex in front of the camera “TV – write history”.

The man with the cardboard crown on his head tries to get as much “broadcast time” as possible for himself. And how can such a project best succeed? By trying to provoke Mario Basler. But he sees through the show of the “wrong dog” one fix three and prefers to leisurely light the next fluppe, while “the poor light” continues to mob that “Basler is a failed existence”: “I’m on the way up, you you’re on your way down.” Then the DFB Cup winner and former soccer player in the German national team: “What do you think, how people laugh at you outside! What I’ve achieved in my life, you have to be born six times.”

Episode 5 in “Summer House of the Stars” is the episode in which it “gets really dirty”. And that doesn’t mean the “exit challenge” between the Dürrs and Kader and their “Isi”. Loth and her husband don’t have the slightest chance against “the structured actors” and have to vacate the field. But as you know it from every coveted flat share, it doesn’t take long until new residents are found in the beds that have become empty. Hello, dear Christina and dear Marco, welcome to the madmen!

There isn’t an episode that isn’t extremely uninvigorating. Stinky Boots of the Day: Farmer Patrick who exposes his girlfriend Antonia in a tour. It’s not enough to gossip behind her back, not being willing to move in with her because you don’t want to play “Kasper” for 24 hours – no: the blonde’s intelligence is also questioned. In addition, again and again malice about Antonia’s appearance. The crackpot actually pushes up the pants of his “project” to expose her buttocks and laugh dirty at the same time.

The game “Parking” is also not very entertaining, because the viewer has to watch the farmer yelling at his increasingly desperate girlfriend over and over again. Even when she bursts into tears, he doesn’t rest: “My goodness, how can you be so stupid? (…) I’m with idiots in the world!” Then poor Antonia: “Stop insulting me!” The new roommates win the parking game, even though the good farmer can even drive a “40-ton truck”.

Anyone who thinks that a peaceful evening will remain of this day is wrong. Because Sindermann is planning the “revolution” against Super Mario and his entourage. But “Katha” doesn’t follow suit. She only wants one evening of peace, one evening without a fight: “Please don’t do that!”

But the fashion fuzzy thinks his girlfriend doesn’t understand how the mechanisms of reality TV work: “You wouldn’t have gotten here without me!” And he really means it when he adds: “You have to show backbone sometimes!” Which means that “Katha” should think it’s great when “the whole atmosphere gets messed up” and it rattles and bangs at supper.

Because he doesn’t want to “chill” at all and “Katha” finally leaves the tense situation because of the whipped up atmosphere, Eric suddenly wants to pack his bags and – move out! His girlfriend is something of “wrong,” he says loudly.

The drama takes its course. Now the group, which has set itself the task of punishing such provocative rabble with ignorance, can no longer look the other way. “You don’t want to end up like Mike Cees,” Cosimo tries to calm the bully.

Mario calls the child by its name: “I’ll tell you what you are: bottom drawer!” And Sascha Mölders, who gives “Katha” the wise advice “please don’t let yourself be smothered like that”, also classifies the recent escapade from a psychological point of view: “He’s mentally unsound!” Up until now, King Bangbag was still assuming that he was “on the way to the top”! Dear RTL, please be careful: there is a risk that the viewer will overdose on Eric Sindermann! Fix it, quick!