Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – Baden-Württemberg’s Interior Minister Thomas Strobl has called for a quick new regulation after the judgment of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) against the German rule on data retention. “We not only have to ensure that today’s police are prepared for tomorrow’s crime,” said the CDU politician on Tuesday. “We also need the necessary tools to prevent the most serious crimes when the perpetrators begin to think ahead, to plan, or even to arrange in advance for their crimes.”

What is meant, for example, is the storage of traffic data, which is also left behind by the owners of dynamic IP addresses. “The verdict from Luxembourg is clear and unequivocal. Now a new regulation must be implemented quickly, for security in our country,” Strobl demanded.

The highest EU court decided on Tuesday that the communication data of all citizens should not be stored without reason. A targeted and temporary storage of the data is only possible in the event of a serious threat to national security. To combat serious crime, it may also be possible to retain IP addresses. The German regulation has been on hold since 2017.