Through the “Power of Siberia”, China receives gas supplies from Russia. Now the pipeline will be shut down for a week for maintenance work. However, there is no danger for China of a longer delivery stop like in Germany.

Russia’s gas supplies to China via the Power of Siberia pipeline will be halted for a week for repairs. “From September 22 to September 29, scheduled preventive work will be carried out on the “Power of Siberia” gas pipeline,” Gazprom said on its Telegram channel. According to the contract, the maintenance work is carried out twice a year, in spring and autumn.

At the beginning of September, Gazprom stopped deliveries via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to Germany for maintenance and then did not resume them. This is justified by the state-owned company Gazprom with an oil leak that allegedly could only be repaired during a factory repair in Canada.

Gazprom had already sent less and less gas through the pipeline, citing the turbines that were failing due to Western sanctions. In Berlin, however, it is suspected that the technical problems are only a pretext in order to achieve political goals – above all the easing of sanctions – and to put pressure on Europe.

Political observers therefore do not see the danger of a delivery stop through the “Power Siberia” pipeline. Relations between Russia and China are not affected by the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. Moscow is trying to expand its gas supplies to China even more in the wake of the Ukraine crisis.