Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – After poisoned baits were found in a Frankfurt park, the police have not been notified of any other poisoned animals. The number remains at 11 dogs, seven of which have died, a police spokesman said on Tuesday. The search for the perpetrators continues. However, this would be difficult without the statements of witnesses. So far, no one has responded to the call. The police patrol in the affected Frankfurt Bonifatiuspark had been strengthened. Photographs of the dogs, candles for the dead, and flowers had been placed there.

The dogs had eaten the bait laid out during the walk on Friday morning. The dog owners brought the poison to the police, who issued a warning on social media.

Such a large number of poisoned dogs is very unusual, said the police spokesman. “Usually there are always isolated cases.” It was still unclear which poison it was. The poisoned baits are examined by a specialist institute. The police did not yet know when the results would be available.