Dresden (dpa / sn) – In the past year, significantly fewer citizens turned to the Saxon state parliament with requests and complaints. A total of 403 petitions were received in 2021, almost 190 fewer than in the previous year (592), as the parliament in Dresden announced on Tuesday. As in 2020, around 100 of them related to the corona pandemic – vaccinations, free test options, protective measures, schools and childcare, as Simone Lang, Chairwoman of the Petitions Committee, explained. Apart from that, a particularly large number of petitions dealt with environmental, climate and nature protection. “But noise protection, wind power and road construction are always important issues.” The petition report is to be discussed in the plenary session this Wednesday.

The petition with the most signatures (18,441) concerned the authorization of the re-entry of a foreign family and the implementation of a hardship procedure. The request “More staff for day care centers and after-school care centers in Saxony” received 17,193 signatures, the petition “Leipzig/Halle Freight Airport” received 10,690 signatures.

According to the information provided, 656 petitions were closed in the reporting period. 129 requests were remedied, 96 partially remedied and 249 petitions were declared settled. A further 47 petitions were referred to the state government.