Rostock (dpa/mv) – Against the background of falling demand for construction and declining consumer sentiment, the organizers of the trade fairs “Robau” and “Wohnideen

They presented everyday living ideas as well as extravagant design. Among other things, a new type of adhesive system for installing shower cubicles or a table that can be pulled out on four sides will be on display. Sustainability also plays a major role in many of the living items shown. A designer from the Rostock area has also specialized in the principle of making old new and showing stylish washbasins, shelves and mirrors at the fair.

According to the information, more than 150 registrations have been received for the “Robau” trade fair, which is taking place at the same time. Among the exhibitors are construction companies, installation companies, energy companies, construction financiers and suppliers of building materials. With 10,000 to 15,000 visitors each, the “Robau” is the largest construction fair in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.