The negotiations between the federal and state governments on a successor to the successful 9-euro ticket are continuing. So that citizens nationwide can benefit from this on January 1st, the federal and state governments are planning to reach an agreement on financing and the sales price by mid-October.

The federal and state governments are aiming for an agreement on a follow-up offer for the 9-euro ticket in local transport by mid-October. All countries had announced that they could imagine carrying a connecting ticket, said the chairwoman of the conference of transport ministers, Green politician Maike Schaefer from Bremen, after consultations with Federal Minister Volker Wissing. A working group should now start discussions on this. At the same time, however, the federal states expected that this would be linked to an increase in the general regionalization funds of the federal government. The federal states use the money from Berlin to order services from the transport companies.

Wissing welcomed the fact that the federal states now wanted to introduce a follow-up ticket on January 1, 2023 with the federal government. This is an ambitious goal that requires quick decisions. He hopes that the transport ministers’ conference on 12./13. October could give a key decision. The FDP politician expressed understanding that the federal states were demanding an increase in regionalization funds in view of the high energy prices. This is still to be clarified.

The traffic light coalition in the federal government had agreed to provide 1.5 billion euros annually for a nationwide local transport ticket in a next relief package – if the states give at least as much. The goal is a price between 49 and 69 euros per month. In June, July and August, the 9-euro ticket enabled local public transport trips in buses and trains throughout Germany for one month.

The federal states will normally receive regionalization funds of 9.4 billion euros from the federal government this year, plus another billion from another pot.