Panzerhaubitze 2000 guns prove effective in battle for Ukraine. The Bundeswehr now wants to deliver four more “immediately”. With regard to other weapon systems, however, there is evident disagreement within the federal government.

The Bundeswehr wants to make four more Panzerhaubitze 2000 artillery pieces available to Ukraine. The Federal Ministry of Defense in Berlin said that these were used and repaired high-performance army guns that were now to be handed over to the Ukraine “despite the tense own material situation”. The extradition should be initiated “immediately”. Overall, the number of self-propelled howitzers of this type delivered by Germany increased to 14.

The guns have “more than proven themselves in combat” in Ukraine, said Federal Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht. The SPD politician added: “Ukraine is full of praise for the system and has expressed a wish for more howitzers. To further support Ukraine in its courageous fight against the brutal Russian attack, Germany will comply with this request and now four provide more of these self-propelled howitzers.”

After the liberation of Russian-occupied areas, Ukraine recently called for more weapons. After Foreign Minister Baerbock spoke out in favor of quick deliveries of battle tanks, FDP boss Lindner assured: There will be no change of course. That means, for now it stays with the ring exchange.

There are now supplies for the Panzerhaubitzen 2000. These can shoot 30 to 40 kilometers depending on the ammunition used. Experts describe the Panzerhaubitze 2000 as one of the most modern howitzers in the world. It can fire up to ten shells per minute. Ukraine has also received such guns from the Netherlands – according to the Federal Ministry of Defense eight pieces.

The Panzerhaubitze 2000, manned by three to five soldiers, is a large firepower mobile artillery piece mounted on a tank chassis. The vehicle, which weighs more than 55 tons, was built to help its own soldiers in battle from a greater distance by shooting at the enemy.