Magdeburg/Hanover (dpa/sa) – The SPD politician Armin Willingmann (SPD) from Saxony-Anhalt will chair the energy ministers’ conference next year. The heads of departments of the federal states decided that at a meeting on Wednesday in Hanover, as his house announced. “The energy crisis will keep us in suspense this year and next. Further joint efforts by the federal and state governments are therefore required to overcome the crisis,” said Willingmann.

A central topic of the energy ministers’ meeting was the high energy prices. According to the information, the ministers unanimously called on the federal government to develop a model for limiting increases in energy prices for gas, electricity and heat on the basis of European agreements in the near future.

In addition, the energy ministers spoke out in favor of a discussion about a photovoltaic requirement for all new buildings. In addition, the federal government should examine whether the financial participation of municipalities in the expansion of wind energy and open-space photovoltaic systems can be made mandatory nationwide.