Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – Baden-Württemberg’s Environment Minister Thekla Walker (Greens) does not rule out that the German nuclear waste repository will be built near the planned Swiss repository. “Theoretically, that’s possible,” said the Greens politician on the “RadioWelt” program on Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bayern 2). “Baden-Württemberg has always said that geology has priority. That means the safest rock layer is decisive. If it’s in Baden-Württemberg, if that’s the way it should be in the corner, this so-called opaline tone is in Switzerland, which is considered very safe, then that could well be the case.”

Walker said she assumes that the planned repository in Switzerland will be safe. However, there are still a number of questions that need to be clarified. As examples, she gave the transport of nuclear waste, concepts for emergencies or questions about locations where fuel elements would be packaged. Since the safety of the German population is also at stake, she would like to have a say in the project. “I think that makes sense,” Walker said. It must also be discussed whether and to what extent affected German communities can be compensated.