Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – He is often the target of right-wing hate speech online: But Baden-Württemberg’s Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz does not want to put up with it and takes legal action against the worst insults. Last year, the 38-year-old Green Party politician with Turkish roots launched 20 ads. Most are aimed at unknown people because users do not identify themselves with real names on the Internet. In one case, the Cologne public prosecutor’s office has now imposed a fine for insult, a spokesman for the Ministry of Finance said on Wednesday in Stuttgart. Amount of the fine: 100 euros. The user had insulted and threatened Bayaz on Instagram, but his real name was found.

The starting point for this agitation was the establishment of Germany’s first online portal for information on tax fraudsters in the south-west last autumn. As a result, there were numerous inhuman, racist and sexist comments on Bayaz’ accounts on Twitter and Instagram. Emails with violent insults were also received on the portal of the Ministry of Finance for information on tax evasion. The minister reported these in 15 cases. In connection with the birth of his son in June last year, another 5 ads were added.