Thousands of companies groan under the high energy prices. The federal government is working on new relief. Corona instruments could be used for this.

Due to the high energy costs, the federal government wants to launch further aid for companies in the short term. The Ministry of Economic Affairs announced that it would like to give smaller, energy-intensive companies such as bakeries more support. Economics Minister Robert Habeck said after a meeting with industry representatives that the aid program designed for industry should also be opened up to small and medium-sized enterprises. For example, the criterion that a company is in international competition should be dropped. However, a certain proportion of energy costs in the product will continue to be assumed for the grants.

The government wants to decide on the program in the next few weeks. However, it should take effect retrospectively from around September. Habeck had previously met with around 40 associations of medium-sized companies. SMEs are not only burdened by energy costs, but also by problems in the supply chains and a shortage of skilled workers. “We now have to muster all the financial strength that is necessary to secure the good substance of our economy and jobs in this country,” said Habeck. “It is to be expected that this will significantly relieve the burden on medium-sized companies,” said the Green politician about the planned program. “That it will relieve him of all costs, not.” It is not yet possible to estimate how expensive the program will be for taxpayers.

So far, around 2,500 companies have registered for the Economics Ministry’s program to reduce energy costs, and the group is now to be significantly expanded. Negotiations are also underway with the EU Commission to allow state aid to be granted longer. Habeck wants to extend it until at least April 2024.

It was also reported from those close to the Ministry of Finance that credit authorizations from the Corona Aid Fund WSF that had already been created should also be able to be used for utilities. It is about 67 billion euros. The federal government wants to increase the possibilities of the KfW development bank to help the energy sector. This has an additional liquidity requirement because Russian gas deliveries failed to materialize. A general reactivation of the Corona Aid Fund WSF is not planned, the purpose will only be expanded in the case of existing credit authorizations. “This is a minimally invasive measure that can be implemented quickly.” The cabinet should approve a corresponding formulation aid for the traffic light groups in the Bundestag this Wednesday. This is intended to speed up the legislative process.