Rostock (dpa/mv) – After a general meeting of their members, the three chambers of industry and commerce in the north-east demanded energy supply security from the state government. That is the “alpha and omega,” said Sabine Zinzgraf, spokeswoman for the IHK Rostock.

Several dozen entrepreneurs took part in the meeting against the background of the energy crisis, said Zinzgraf. Concrete demands on politicians have been drawn up, which should be presented to the state government after further votes at the beginning of next week. It had become clear that the various sectors were closely intertwined and that the collapse of one branch would also affect other areas and ultimately many jobs.

In an interview with the “Ostsee-Zeitung”, Rostock’s IHK President Klaus-Jürgen Strupp had previously found drastic words: “We are in the greatest crisis in Germany in the post-war period and have an unspeakable Federal Minister of Economics who is also stirring up panic. He should vacate his post.”

Zinzgraf explained that the statements were preceded by feedback from the IHK members, which would have drawn a catastrophic situation. According to the OZ report, entrepreneurs are faced with a multiplication of energy costs for the future, which are not affordable.

The member of the Bundestag and mayor candidate Claudia Müller (Greens) had offered Strupp a conversation after criticizing Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (also Greens) in order to personally explain the plans of the federal government. Müller is also the federal government’s coordinator for maritime economy and tourism in the Federal Ministry of Economics.

“There’s no question that many have lost their nerves,” said Müller. Habeck had to free Germany from its dependence on Russia in a short time. “We succeeded. Russia has been delivering practically no gas for a week.” The prices would gradually come down again. In addition, the federal government is launching a rescue package for companies.