Rümmingen (dpa / lsw) – A church window designed by fashion designer Harald Glööckler (57) has been unveiled in Rümmingen in the southern Baden district of Lörrach. “The window is a new impulse that opens the church very well for the 21st century,” said the pastor of the Evangelical Jakobuskirche, Dirk Fiedler, according to a statement on Friday.

Fiedler approached the designer, who then designed a choir window for the medieval pilgrimage church free of charge, the Evangelical Church in Baden said. The costs of around 20,000 euros for the window are financed by donations.

“Especially in Corona times, this was a project that was received very positively,” Fiedler summed up. The church community and many other people were interested. Glööckler was born in Maulbronn in Baden-Württemberg and lives in Kirchheim in Rhineland-Palatinate.