Schwerin (dpa / mv) – Economics Minister Reinhard Meyer (SPD) has spoken out in favor of a 365-euro annual public transport ticket for everyone in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. His proposal for the successor to the 9-euro ticket is divided into two, Meyer said on Friday in the state parliament. The state finances a 365-euro annual ticket in MV and the federal government should finance an additional ticket for outside the federal state.

With his proposal, Meyer goes beyond the red-red coalition agreement from autumn 2021. Only a 365-euro annual ticket for seniors had been agreed there. It should apply from next year. Trainees already have a ticket that allows them to use all local transport in the north-east for the equivalent of one euro a day.

Meyer called on the federal government to increase the so-called regionalization funds with which the federal states finance public transport. The 1.5 billion euros offered by Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) are no more than the sum agreed in the coalition agreement – which was before the 9-euro ticket. More regionalization funds are needed to expand local transport in MV. “We still have homework to do,” the minister admitted. More money from the federal government is also needed to cover the increased energy prices, according to Meyer. Here he named 1.65 billion euros.