Munich (dpa / lby) – Before the start of the new school year, the Bavarian teachers’ associations asked for support from the Ministry of Education in view of the shortage of teachers. Substitute teachers would have to be hired quickly and unbureaucratically, it said. The schools would also have to prepare for a possible new wave of corona infections, according to a statement by four associations on Friday. It must be ensured that classroom teaching can take place in all schools.

The Ukraine crisis is exacerbating the situation because children who have fled are also being taught. This would automatically increase the burden on the teachers, explained the chairman of the Bavarian Realschule Teachers’ Association, Jürgen Böhm.

Minister of Education Michael Piazolo (Free Voters) had announced the day before that there were still several hundred teachers missing in Bavaria. The increasing number of students is one reason for the shortage of teachers. The number of junior educators is still not sufficient.

Next Tuesday, 1.68 million schoolchildren in Bavaria will start the new school year. That’s 45,000 more than last school year – 30,000 come from the Ukraine.