Erfurt (dpa/th) – The officially recorded corona infections in Thuringia have increased again since the beginning of September. On Thursday, the state investigation office determined an incidence of 179.1 cases per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days. On Wednesday, the value was still given as 169.1. A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Health spoke of a “leap up”. By Tuesday, the incidence had initially declined in line with the downward trend of the past few weeks. On Thursday last week the value was still 160.1.

However, the corona incidence in Thuringia is still below the national average, which the Robert Koch Institute indicated on Thursday at 223.1. It is assumed that the actual extent of Sars-CoV-2 infections is higher because there are now fewer tests; only positive PCR tests are recorded by the health authorities. In addition, late registrations and transmission problems can lead to the distortion of individual daily values.

The health authorities of the federal state have reported an increasing number of cases since Tuesday. On Thursday, 944 new infections with Sars-CoV-2 were reported within the past 24 hours. The number of deaths related to the coronavirus increased by eight to 7583.

According to data from Thursday, the reported incidence was highest in the Unstrut-Hainich district at 360.9. It was lowest in the district of Sömmerda with 66.6.