Weinsberg (dpa/lsw) – Because winegrowers have to spend more money on energy, fertilizers and glass bottles, wine from the Württemberg growing region is expected to become more expensive. This was explained by the managing director of the winegrowers’ association, Hermann Morast, on Thursday in Weinsberg (Heilbronn district). He did not give any more details about possible increases. Morast expects a yield of between 100 and 110 million liters from the current harvest.

All in all, the association expects that despite the drought and the severe sunburn, depending on the variety, the grape volume of an average vintage can be harvested.

In the past, comparatively wet year, above all fungal infestation, late frosts in spring and the spotted wing drosophila caused the yields to shrink nationwide to 1.77 million hectoliters of wine must. While the decline in Baden was 17 percent to 903,000 hectoliters compared to the previous year, according to the State Statistical Office, the amount of must in Württemberg rose by 16 percent to 869,000 hectoliters.

In terms of area under vines, the wine-growing regions of Baden and Württemberg rank third and fourth respectively in Germany. Only the areas of Rheinhessen and the Palatinate are larger.