Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – Shared rooms for students in Baden-Württemberg are significantly more expensive shortly before the start of the winter semester than they were last year. This was the result of a study by the Moses Mendelssohn Institute. A room in a flat-sharing community in Baden-Württemberg’s university and university towns costs 451 euros per month on average – in the previous year it was 408 euros. According to the study, the price rose the most in the south-west in Freiburg. Students there now have to pay an average of 490 euros – 70 euros more than in the previous year.

The price of student housing has also risen drastically nationwide. On average, a shared room now costs 435 euros instead of 391 euros. Students live most expensively in Munich. According to the Moses Mendelssohn Institute, a room in a shared apartment there costs an average of 700 euros.

For the study, the institute evaluated room offers on the real estate portal WG-Gesucht. Advertisements in the second half of August for all 95 German university towns with at least 5000 students were taken into account.