Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – Minister of Education Theresa Schopper expects more than the previously expected around 30,000 refugee children and young people from Ukraine at schools in Baden-Württemberg. “We have to assume that the number of pupils who come to our schools will increase again significantly,” said the Green Minister on Thursday in Stuttgart. In some places, schools are reaching their capacity limits, she warned.

It is possible that not enough people will be found in all regions to teach the young people from Ukraine. “The current situation is about showing flexibility and pragmatism,” said Schopper.

So far, more than 125,000 refugees from Ukraine have found refuge in Baden-Württemberg. That’s more refugees than in the whole of 2015. According to the state government, there will be around 13,500 more asylum seekers in the current year who have stayed in the country after their registration, according to the state government.