Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – The deadly attack on Christopher Street Day in Münster will be a topic in the state parliament this Thursday (1.30 p.m.). The SPD parliamentary group has put the topic on the agenda of the interior committee. A 20-year-old with multiple convictions is said to have punched a 25-year-old transman so severely that he hit the ground, suffered a severe traumatic brain injury and died a few days later.

The 20-year-old is in custody on suspicion of causing bodily harm resulting in death. At the CSD event on August 27, he is said to have insulted and threatened two women in a discriminatory manner. When the 25-year-old stepped in and asked him not to do that, the 20-year-old is said to have struck.

The victim is a trans man. Trans people are people who do not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. The act had caused nationwide consternation. Among other things, the SPD parliamentary group wants to know what information there is about the alleged perpetrator and his motive.