Munich (dpa/lby) – the shortage of teachers, Corona and the energy crisis – Bavarian schools will have a lot to deal with in the new school year. Minister of Education Michael Piazolo (Free Voters) therefore wants to provide information on current developments on Thursday (10 a.m.).

However, the minister cannot look really relaxed into the new school year, which starts on Tuesday. As early as the end of August, he had described personnel planning as a challenge given the lack of teachers, also because the ministry expects around 30,000 additional students from Ukraine. Absences among teaching staff due to the corona pandemic are also expected.

At the end of August, Piazolo was not able to say how many teachers were actually missing, but Bavaria is still in a good position compared to the rest of Germany when it comes to the supply of staff. The Greens in the state parliament accused the state government of “simply not getting the chaos under control”.