Dresden (dpa / sn) – The Saxon City and Municipality Day (SSG) is demanding more money from the Free State for the municipalities. In view of inflation, skyrocketing energy prices and other problems, municipal budgets are facing the most severe test in many years, said SSG President Bert Wendsche on Wednesday.

That is why they had relied on the Free State to keep its municipal allocation quota within a target corridor of around 35 percent. Instead, the current draft budget provides for a quota of 33.3 percent for 2023 and 32.8 percent for 2024. Every percentage point deviation from the 35 mark means 400 to 500 million euros less allocations per year for the municipalities.

The Association of Towns and Municipalities therefore appealed to the budget legislator to do more. There is a particular need in municipal road construction, school and day-care center construction and fire protection measures.