Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – In July and August 1830 vaccinations against monkeypox were administered in Baden-Württemberg. This was announced by a spokesman for the Ministry of Social Affairs of the German Press Agency (dpa) on Wednesday in Stuttgart. The first vaccination against monkeypox took place in Baden-Württemberg on July 21, 2022.

According to information from the Ministry of Social Affairs, the federal government delivered 5,180 vaccine doses against monkeypox to Baden-Württemberg in the two months. According to the Ministry, however, the demand for initial vaccinations exceeds the vaccination supply. By Wednesday (as of 10:00 a.m.) a total of 148 cases of monkeypox had been reported in Baden-Württemberg since the outbreak began in May 2022. Nationwide, the number of known cases on Tuesday was just over 3,500.

The federal government has announced another, larger vaccine delivery for the end of September, said the ministry spokesman. The federal government has not yet provided any further specific information on this, but the Ministry of Social Affairs is already preparing for the distribution and vaccination of this third vaccine tranche.

The Standing Committee on Vaccination (Stiko) recommends that certain groups and people who have had close contact with infected people get vaccinated against monkeypox. Two doses are recommended for primary vaccination. The main purpose of the second dose, which should be given at least 28 days apart, is to prolong the protection of the vaccine.