Erfurt (dpa/th) – Thuringia’s Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow has described the planned federal-state summit on the relief package as overdue. “It’s about time that the prime ministers finally came to the table so that we could discuss together whether this is the right way,” the left-wing politician told Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk on Tuesday. With Corona, decisions were ultimately made together.

At the same time, Ramelow called for the electricity price to be separated from the gas price. Significantly more regenerative energy is being produced in the new federal states, and yet the price of electricity is the highest here. That is a contradiction in terms. It is related to the energy price structure, which is regulated by federal law. “If we don’t start talking hard about it now, then it’s going to be a real problem.”

The left-wing politician also explained that the state must “intervene in markets that are obviously not working due to the war and that have led to shamelessness, shamelessness on the part of companies who are not even ashamed of the profits they announce to their shareholders quarter after quarter”.

Thuringia’s Prime Minister warned that the federal government must ensure that society stays together. The poverty spiral that is currently being set in motion must be broken. “If you were brave as a federal government, you would build in an income limit. Excluding status groups, but not building in income limits, I think is an uncritical and anxious communication strategy,” he criticized.