Ettersburg (dpa/th) – Young teachers who help to remedy a certain deficiency in the school system should receive a salary subsidy of ten percent in Thuringia. This applies to newly hired teachers who go to regions where there is a need for teachers, teach shortage subjects or choose certain types of school, said Minister of Education Helmut Holter (left) on Tuesday after a government meeting at Ettersburg Castle near Weimar.

The award should be granted for five years if at least two of the three criteria are met. In 2023 alone, 1.6 million euros from the state treasury are earmarked for this. Payments are expected to begin this October. Holter anticipates that around 400 educators would benefit each year.

In addition, two pilot projects are to be started in the districts of Schmalkalden-Meiningen and Kyffhäuser, in which administrative assistants will be provided to individual school managements in order to relieve them of bureaucratic tasks. For a period of three years, five assistant positions are to be financed by the state in each of the two districts. “We want to gain experience,” said Holter.