This weekend, the open water swimming World Cup event which was to take place between the Alexandre-III bridge and the Alma bridge has been canceled. In question, the pollution of the Seine, due to heavy rainfall which caused the sewers to overflow. The decision was made based on an analysis of Escherichia coli bacteria dating back 24 hours, with a concentration that was still beyond the threshold limit: at 1,300 CFU/100 mL, when the international swimming federation ( World Aquatics) mandates a rate of less than 1000 CFU/100 mL. Deputy for Sports, Olympic Games and Seine of the Paris City Hall, Pierre Rabadan is “disappointed” with this cancellation, but remains confident for the triathlon which is to take place between August 17 and 20.

Le Point: How are you feeling after the cancellation of the open water swimming events in the Seine this weekend?

Pierre Rabadan: First I’m disappointed for the athletes, but their safety comes first. This cancellation due to the quality of the water does not correspond to the checks we carried out during the summer, when 92% of the time swimming was possible. We experienced an exceptional rainy episode that we had not experienced in this period for twenty years. The samples are analyzed in the laboratory 24 hours before the competition. From Saturday, we saw a downward trend in bacteria in the samples. Sunday morning, the analyzes carried out on site were below the standards, but it is the laboratory results that are decisive in deciding whether or not to maintain the test. This Monday, I had the lab results of the samples taken on Sunday morning. They are below the threshold of 1000 CFU/100 mL. The competition could have been held.

Asked about BFMTV, the vice-president of the French Swimming Federation, Lazreg Benelhadj, indicated “that there was no plan B” for the open water swimming events, if such a scenario happens again in 2024…

In dry periods, we are able to maintain the bathability of the Seine. Major work is underway to deal with wastewater overflows during periods of heavy rain. First there will be the Austerlitz storage basin, with a capacity of 50,000 m3, which will be operational in March 2024. Denis), the VL 8 (high-capacity collector with a length of almost 9 kilometers located between Essonne and Val-de-Marne), as well as pollution control stations in Champigny-sur-Marne (8,000 m3 ) and Neuilly-sur-Marne (30,000 m3), will be ready during the first quarter of 2024. With these infrastructures and the same quantities of water that we had at the end of July, we would be able to avoid the pollution or at least to accelerate the return to normal. For the Olympic Games, we have a contingency day, that is to say a day to postpone the competitions. We want to be able to go up to two days if necessary. But as with all outdoor sports, there are climatic hazards.

Will the triathlon, August 17-20, be able to go ahead as planned? Nothing is questioned for the opening of bathing areas in Paris in 2025?

You always have to be careful about the weather, but we don’t have any heavy rain forecast so, yes, the event should be able to take place. Obtaining the Games was an accelerator. A lot has been done, such as connecting 260 boats to the sewage network. It is a collective work carried out in particular with the State, the City of Paris, the SIAPP and the departments of Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne. It is a political will, not a simple fad, that to want to offer three bathing sites in 2025. This will be the legacy of the Games, but above all places to allow Parisians to cool off during the hot weather. As with sporting events, analyzes will be made daily to say whether you can swim or not.