Recently, the number of drug addicts has been rapidly increasing. Both adults and teenagers suffer, who, having once tried drugs, could not refuse them. Modern methods of buying and delivering illicit substances make it possible to obtain drugs almost without hindrance anywhere in the country and the world. Modern methods of treating alcoholics by a court decision are widespread in the world – in the United States and Europe, two-thirds of citizens undergoing treatment for alcoholism do this not voluntarily but by court order. Alcoholics or drug addicts often have low criticality, that is, they do not admit that they suffer from this disease.

The main problem of addicts in this matter is the denial of the existence of any problems. Also, the danger lies in the fact that in addition to harm to oneself, there are often cases of aggression and violence (both in physical and psychological form) in relation to other people. The crime rate among people who abuse drugs or alcohol is much higher than the statistics for healthy people. This is due to clouding of the mind, loss of control over what is happening, inadequate sensations and actions during the state of intoxication with substances. Another reason is the state of withdrawal, in which the drug addict is looking for money for a new dose, sweeping away everything in its path.

Often, close relatives of a person who has become addicted to drugs use services of court ordered rehab with a request for compulsory treatment. No court-ordered rehab deals with forced treatment, but our specialists know the techniques of mild motivation for treatment.

At the same time, no physical impact is allowed, only techniques of psychological persuasion of the need for voluntary hospitalization. Specialists have different methods, so they can find an approach to a person, even in the most difficult cases.

Court ordered drug treatment for adolescents

Adolescents are a risk group most prone to pathological addictions, including drug addiction. The problem of youth addiction to drugs first arose in West Europe in the 1950s and 1960s and has spread throughout the world.

The causes of teen drug addiction are:

  • Biological factor. It is due to the peculiarities of the structure of neurotransmitters and brain receptors, due to which there is a rapid addiction and the formation of compulsive cravings. In addition, the risk of falling into the drug trap is higher in children with psycho-emotional and neurological disorders.
  • Psychology of the child. This factor includes the lack of maturity of a teenager, dependence on someone else’s opinion, lack of stable ideas about adult life or one’s own desires, and so on. In addition, internal psychological problems and other features of the teenage period of formation can serve as an impetus for drug use.
  • Social impact. This is meant not only the family, but also the general atmosphere in which the child develops. Catalysts can be as bad company, and the desire to earn credibility or the desire to stand out and attract attention.

The law allows court ordered treatment for substance abusers under the age of majority (if the court does not recognize the child as capable before the age of 18) with the consent of one of the parents.

Court ordered drug treatment

It’s more difficult with adults. The Convention of the European Court of Human Rights regards the concept of compulsory treatment of drug addicts as a violation of human rights. This is justified by the fact that this procedure requires the restriction of the patient’s freedom and keeping him within the framework of a medical institution, regardless of his own will, excluding movement outside its borders.

However, the Convention allows for the fact of restriction of freedom when it is necessary to undergo compulsory treatment for drug addiction and alcoholism, mental disorders or vagrancy in cases where a person poses a direct threat to the safety of himself and the environment.

The law allows compulsory drug treatment by court order if the addict:

  • was seen committing administrative and legal violations while intoxicated;
  • received some kind of punishment: a fine, correctional labor, etc.;
  • is already registered with a medical institution, but refuses to follow the doctor’s orders, take the necessary medications and follow the rehabilitation plan.
  • In this case, it is necessary to conclude an examination confirming the presence of narcotic substances in a person’s blood.

The court determines the place of treatment for the patient, but during the meeting it is possible to offer your own version of the clinic for rehabilitation. There is a possibility that the clinic may refuse to accept the patient. In order to avoid suspicions of deliberate evasion of the execution of a court decision on compulsory drug treatment, the fact of refusal should be documented in writing and contacted by legal authorities in a timely manner.