Dresden (dpa/sn) – The Dresden fire brigade rescued 16 people from an apartment building on Thursday afternoon. There was a fire in the building on Tuesday. As the control center announced in the evening, there was a basement fire in the Leuben district, which caused toxic smoke throughout the building’s stairwell. It was no longer safe for the residents to escape, which is why six people were rescued using turntable ladders, and ten more using respiratory protection via the stairwell. Two dogs were also taken out of the danger zone.

All residents were able to receive outpatient care on site, the fire brigade said. According to her own statements, she was in action with 72 people. The police are now investigating the cause of the fire.

The fire brigade was called to the building on Tuesday due to a fire. Newspaper burned in the stairwell. The fire was quickly extinguished, but even then numerous residents had to be brought to safety from the smoke.