Dresden (dpa / sn) – The conservative homeland union in the Saxon Union has called for an end to the coalition of CDU, Greens and SPD. The Greens are a party determined by an “ideological sense of mission” and the “wrong coalition partner” for the Union, the board said on Tuesday in Dresden. “That’s why we call on the prime minister: In the interests of the Free State and its people, let the members of the Saxon Union decide whether to continue the alliance with the Greens or put an end to it quickly yourself.”

As a consequence of quarrels about the federal board of the conservative value union, the Saxon offshoot decided in June of this year to continue under the name Heimatunion. It sees itself as a further developed “update” of the earlier union of values. “We want to look ahead and spare our homeland from red-green experiments. Our maxim is to preserve what is tried and tested and continue to develop it for the better,” explained the chairman Sven Eppinger at the time.

In the current debate about a secure energy supply in Germany, the Heimatunion accuses the Greens and the SPD of contributing with their policies to the deindustrialization of Germany and a significant loss of prosperity for large parts of the population.