Because of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the Spanish government has decided on “urgent measures” to save and use energy more efficiently.

All buildings in the public sector, but also department stores, cinemas, workplaces, hotels, train stations and airports will in future be allowed to cool their premises to no less than 27 degrees in summer and heat them to a maximum of 19 degrees in winter. That was decided at the weekly cabinet meeting in Madrid, explained the Minister for Ecological Change, Teresa Ribera.

According to Ribera, the measures of the royal decree must be implemented at the latest after a one-week “adjustment period” after publication in the Official Journal. They are to remain in force until November 1, 2023. It is a first package of measures that is necessary in a “critical situation”. Europe needs Spain’s help. “It is time to show solidarity,” emphasized the minister of the left-wing government.

Lights off, doors closed

Among other measures, shops and establishments with automated systems, which must be installed by September 30, must keep their doors closed to avoid the escape of heat or cool air, depending on the season. The lighting in unused offices, shop windows and monuments must also be switched off after 10 p.m. Energy efficiency reviews of certain buildings should be brought forward. The private sector called on Ribera to increase working from home.

With these and other measures to be decided after the summer break, Spain intends to honor the commitments made by the country as part of the European emergency plan agreed in recent weeks. The country is to reduce gas consumption by seven percent. Like other EU countries, Spain initially opposed the emergency plan, but ultimately approved the plan after making concessions.

PK on the government website Report on state television RTVE