A mother has allegedly tried to kill her three children, ages three, five and nine, in the town of Fitero, as reported by the Civil Guard. The minors have been injured and have been transferred to the University Hospital of Navarra, in Pamplona.

The events took place around 12 noon this Thursday in Fitero. The Civil Guard has learned of a possible incident with minors in a local home and the patrol has found three injured children aged 3, 5, and 9 on the scene.

Around 12:00 noon, the two eldest children have gone out into the street asking for help and the neighbors have called the Civil Guard. The agents have entered the home with the two children and have found the mother and the youngest son, 3 years old. Everything points to an attempted murder by the woman, the Civil Guard has specified.

The minors have been transferred to the University Hospital of Navarra, in Pamplona. Agents of the Judicial Police Team of the Foral Community are investigating these facts.

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