“Le Monde” will present its literary prize, for the eleventh time, on September 6. We will find its laureate in “Le Monde des livres” the next day, dated September 8.

The ten titles in the running

Previous winners

“Attacking the Earth and the Sun”, by Mathieu Belezi, Le Tripode

“Jacqueline Jacqueline”, by Jean-Claude Grumberg, Seuil

“She Lied for the Wings”, by Francesca Serra, Anne Carrière

“A Beast in Paradise”, by Cécile Coulon, L’Iconoclaste

“In His Image”, by Jérôme Ferrari, Actes Sud

“The Art of Losing”, by Alice Zeniter, Flammarion

“Laëtitia or the end of men”, by Ivan Jablonka, Seuil

“This Changing Heart”, by Agnès Desarthe, L’Olivier

“The Kingdom”, by Emmanuel Carrère, P.O.L

“Happy the Happy”, by Yasmina Reza, Flammarion

Le jury

It is made up of fourteen journalists who work in the four “corners” of the World: Jérôme Fenoglio, director of Le Monde and president of the jury; Jean Birnbaum, responsible for the “World of Books”; Emmanuel Davidenkoff (Editorial Development); Denis Cosnard (“The World of Books”); Solenn de Royer (Politics); Zineb Dryef (M, the magazine of the World); Gaëlle Dupont (Planet); Clara Georges (“Time”); Florent Georgesco (“The World of Books”); Juliette Einhorn (“The World of Books”); Raphaëlle Leyris (“The World of Books”); Raphaëlle Rérolle (Great reporters); Alain Salles (Debates); and Nicolas Weill (“The World of Books”).