After nearly three years of proceedings, the British justice announced Tuesday July 18 the end of the prosecution for domestic violence against the former star footballer of Manchester United Ryan Giggs, 49 years old. A first trial in 2022 did not lead to a verdict, the jury failing to agree on the guilt of the former player and coach of Wales. Ryan Giggs was accused of assaulting his ex-girlfriend Kate Greville and her sister.

A second trial was scheduled for the end of July, but the prosecution said it was dropping charges at a preliminary hearing at Manchester Crown Court in northern England. “This is not a decision taken lightly,” assured the representative of the prosecution, Peter Wright, explaining that Kate Greville, tested by the hearings of last year, did not wish to testify again.

“Wash His Name”

“Mr Giggs is deeply relieved that the proceedings have finally come to an end, after almost three years of fighting to clear his name,” said footballer’s lawyer Chris Daw. “He has always been innocent of these charges, and many, many lies have been told about him in court,” he continued. He was found not guilty on all counts and now wants to rebuild his life and career. Under pressure, Ryan Giggs quit as Wales manager in June 2022.

Ryan Giggs had pleaded not guilty to the charges, which date back to a heated argument on November 1, 2020, when police were called to his home. The one who won two Champions Leagues in the Manchester United jersey was then arrested and then released. According to the prosecution, Mr. Giggs violently attacked his then-girlfriend, Kate Greville, and her sister Emma, ​​injuring the former in the elbow and lip. The accused had assured never to have committed violence against women, evoking an involuntary shock with his ex-partner while they struggled for control of a mobile phone.