A discovery that puts scientists in turmoil. The inhabitants of the island of Chiloé, in Chile, have known for a long time of the underwater existence of certain pillars. For them, they are remnants of an ancient civilization. Lucía Villar, a postdoctoral fellow at the Faculty of Geophysics at the University of Chile, heard about it five years ago. But it was in February of this year that things took a turn for the worse. The geographer Álvaro Montaña, member of the association Defendamos Chiloé (Let’s defend Chiloé in Spanish, editor’s note), of which the scientist is also a member, tells him of the photos that were shown to him. These are intriguing: it looks like a real small underwater city, as told by Le Courrier International, according to a publication by the Chilean daily La Tercera.

“A lot of time had passed, and seeing those pictures then was really amazing. We had to go there and do something to bring back samples,” says Lucía Villar. She then decides to organize an expedition. Embark on a boat local scientists and divers. They were able to bring back samples and some photos. “Divers have known about these formations for about 40 years. They say that before they were twice as high and they eroded naturally. They are fragile, which is why they deteriorate easily, “says the scientist.

The samples are currently being analyzed. “It’s a unique discovery, these are very strange formations, that’s why they appeal to everyone. Here in the geology department, they’re excited,” says Lucía Villar. Once the results are in hand, the researchers will be able to determine the origin of these formations, located about ten meters under water.

In the meantime, three hypotheses have been put forward: the trail of hydrothermal vents, solidified lava that would have erupted exactly at this place, which would be “a huge discovery, because in this sector, no type of lava and volcanic rock is recorded”, or magma formed underground and cooled which could have risen to the surface over time. In any case, scientists will have to dive, take new photos or even new videos, to better understand the rock formations and the fauna that lives there.

Lucía Villar wishes to thank the islanders, who were of great help: “They told us: ‘Over there, there must have been an ancient civilization, prehistoric or pre-Columbian, which is in ruins.’ For them, it’s fascinating, nobody more than them wants to understand what’s going on down there. »